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BERKOP Constitution - 개요

#1 BERKOP은 자유 블로그 미디어를 표방합니다

다양한 필진들이 자유롭게 의견을 포현하는데 목적을 둡니다.  클럽 전체를 포괄하는 이념적, 정치적 목표는 OP를 제외하고는 가지지 않습니다

#2 Freedom and Reponsibility of Speech
평소에 쓰고 싶었던, 자신의 마음 속에 담아둔 생각들을 무엇이든 자유롭게 펼치고 스스로 책임을 집니다. 

#3 Privacy
각 필진은 사생활의 보호를 위해 실명이 아닌 필명을 사용할 수 있습니다.

#4 직접민주주의
BERKOP 스탭들간의 직접민주주의를 시행합니다.  모든 의사 결정은 스탭들의 회의를 통해 결정됩니다.

#5 Motto
UC Berkeley의 학생으로서의 삶, 자신의 전문적인 지식을 타인과 공유하고 한국, 멀게는 전세계의 사람들에게 학교를 알립니다.

#6 지양점
버클리오피니언에서 출판되는 모든 글들은 외부인에게 자유롭게 열람이 가능하도록 되어있습니다.  따라서 댓글 싸움, 근거없는 비방, 혹은 표절은 삼가해 주세요.

#7 저작권
버클리오피니언에서 발행되는 모든 글들은 필진들의 글이 등록되는 시점부터 클럽과 글의 필진이 동시에 저작권을 가지게 됩니다.

#8 멤버십
버클리오피니언의 가입은 홈페이지에 첨부된 가입 신청서를 통해 지원하실 수 있습니다.  모든 필진은 최소 한 학기, 또는 세 편의 글을 올려주셔야 버클리오피니언의 멤버십을 부여받으실 수 있습니다.  아울러 스탭들은 여름학기를 제외한 최소 두 학기를 활동하셔야 합니다.

Costitution of BERKOP, also known as Berkeley Opinion

Article I. Name

This organization shall be hereinafter referred to as BERKOP.

Article II - Purpose

The purposes of this organization are: to provide blog-based journalism to present and discuss current issues around the world, with emphasis on Korea, and Korean students in Berkeley campus community; to promote the awareness and knowledge of global news to the members; to produce publications of the articles written by the members;

Article III - Membership

A. Active Membership
Active members are required to write one article every month.

Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff may be active members in a registered student organization. Only active members may vote or hold office.  Memberships must be reviewed in respect to desired position indicated by an applicant on membership application.

a. Officers (Opinion Contributors)
Every officer is responsible for administrative duties for BERKOP as stated in Article I. Officers are chosen among the general members by the votes of the existing opinion contributors.  Person with highest votes will be elected. Officers must attend weekly meetings.

b. General Members (Writers)
Every general member is responsible for three articles every semester. General members have the right to vote on BERKOP’s running. General members are chosen from the pending members of membership application by the votes of the existing general members.

B. Associate Membership
Any student, staff, faculty member of the University of California at Berkeley or former active member may hold associate membership in BerkOP.

We will not haze according to California State Law; We will not restrict membership based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical and mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship or status as a covered veteran (special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or any other veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized).

Article IV - Officers & Elections

A. Types
The organization will have six elected staffs among opinion contributors: president, editor-in-chief, treasurer, radio program director, webmaster, and event coordinator.

B. Qualifications
Only active members of, as defined in Article III, Section A shall be allowed to run for and hold any of the aforementioned offices in the BerkOP

C. Term of Office

1. Assumption of Office
After their election, the entering officers shall assume office after the last day of the semester, at which point the exiting officers shall vacate their respective offices.

2. Winter and Summer Breaks
If any officer is unable to perform the duties of his or her respective office during the semester break immediately following elections, then that officer shall appoint an interim replacement within the general members of BerkOP

3. Resignation or Removal from Office
Officers who resign from office, no longer meet the qualifications set above, or are deemed unfit to serve in their respective offices shall vacate office immediately upon notice of resignation, loss of qualification, or removal from office.

4. Certification of Membership
Officers of BERKOP must be responsible for duties stated in Article III for two academic semesters of University of California, Berkeley, at least.  Summer semester may not be qualified.

D. Duties

Shall be responsible for all kinds of tasks and duty

Shall be responsible for setting and enforcing publication schedules of the online articles; shall be responsible for editing and final publishing of online articles; shall be reponsible for copyrights and contents

Public Relations and Entertainment Management
Shall be responsible for publicizing and communicating with external bodies on behalf of BERKOP; shall be responsible for coordinating outdoor eventplanning, advertisement, and publication of contents provided by members of BERKOP.

Human Resources
Shall be responsible for setting up, notifying, and preparing general meetings and other events for BERKOP

Shall maintain a publicly available record of all financial transactions, liabilities, and credits relating to BERKOP

Shall organize meetings and manage the BERKOP website and technological aspects of the online articles.

Radio Program Director
Shall be responsible for Dr.OSKI, a radio program department of BERKOP.

Article V – Meetings

Meetings shall happen weekly but additional meetings can be scheduled upon request. Day, Time and Place shall be decided at the beginning of each semester and shall be coordinated by general members. Quorum shall be met when more than half of general members are present.

Article VI - Constitutional Amendments

Who can propose an amendment?

Any Opinion Contributor of BERKOP can propose an amendment.

How are they proposed?

Any general member can propose. More than 2/3 of the entire general members should support in order to be ratified

What is the required period of time between the proposed amendment and a final vote?

2 weeks

How will you notify active members that an amendment is going to be voted upon?

Via Facebook group pages and it will also be posted up on the website.

All amendments, additions or deletions to this document must be filed with the Center for Student Leadership in 102 Sproul Hall.

All amendments, additions or deletions must be filed with the ASUC Office of Student Affairs, 400 Eshleman Hall, within one week of adoption.

Article VII - Dissolution

How will dissolution be decided?

2/3 of general members’ agreement

What will you do with unspent funds?

Distribute it back to all the active members.

All unspent ASUC funds shall remain the property of the ASUC, all Graduate Assembly funds shall remain the property of the Graduate Assembly. Remaining privately-obtained funds may be donated to another nonprofit organization with prior approval of the ASUC Senate Finance Committee.

'ABOUT' 카테고리의 다른 글

Fall 2011 Orientation & Workshop :: BerkOP  (0) 2011.08.31
BerkOP Membership Registration - 필진 등록  (0) 2011.08.11
BerkOP Hall of Fame - 명예의 전당  (0) 2011.08.08
BerkOP FAQ  (0) 2011.08.08
BerkOP History - 역사  (0) 2011.08.08