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SF 한국 이정관 총영사 초청 강연회 (Eshleman Library) :: KUNA, KGSA, BerkOP, CKS, and KASA

Eshleman Hall 7층 Eshleman Library

제2회 한국인사 초청 강연회를 알려드립니다.

이번에 초청인사는 San Francisco 이정관 총영사님입니다.

Title : 한국의 외교정책 - 기회와 딜레마
시각 :  4월 8일 금요일 4시 30분
장소 : Eshleman Hall 7층 Eshleman Library

이 event는 KGSA,KUNA(한인학부학생회), KASA(재미교포학생회), CKS(한국학연구회), BerkeleyOpinion (버클리오피니언) 과 함께 합니다.

이 강연회를 끝으로 뒷풀이가 예정되어있습니다.


About the Speaker:  Mr. Jeong-Gwan Lee has served as Consul General of the Korean Consulate in San Francisco since early 2010.  He has had a distinguished career since joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1981, including Second Secretary at the Korean Embassy in Japan (1989) and in the Republic of Bulgaria (1992); First Secretary of the Korean Embassy in the United States (1996); Secondment to the Presidential Office (2000); Director of North America Division, North American Affairs Bureau, Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (“MOFAT,” 2002); Deputy Consul General of the Korean Consulate in Los Angeles (2003); Secondment to Presidential Committee on Northeast Asian Cooperation Initiative (2007); Director General, Overseas Koreans and Consular Affairs Bureau, MOFAT (2008).  Consul General Lee graduated from Seoul National University in 1982 and received a Master’s degree from Georgetown University in 1988.