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Committee for Korea Studies 5th General Meeting :: CKS

We have our 5th General Meeting this Friday :)

03/11 Friday
7:00pm - 9:00pm & DP
20 Barrows

This week's hakseup will be on single moms in Korea.  We will briefly explain the reality that single moms face in Korea today.  Then, we will talk about the responsibilites of both the moms and the fathers.  Also, we will discuss the controversial issue of abortion.

For DP, we will have girls and guys night!
03/11 Friday 9pm

Houses provided by: Chungwon Lee, Josie Park

Members: $5, Non-members: $7
And on Saturday, we are having a picnic on Memorial Glade @ 12pm!  We will provide you with 비빔밥 and other fun activities :)

Please come out and enjoy a fun Saturday afternoon with your fellow CKSers!  Again, it's $5 for members and $7 for non-members.

Thank you guys and I hope to see you at 7PM SHARP! Please don't be late~

P.S. We are still collecting membership fees (Returning members: $10, New members: $20)